NGO News


【9/26】核兵器廃絶国際デー記念イベント<被爆70年 今できること>

undisarmEnglish information follows.


高橋さん作家の高橋源一郎さんによる基調講演、俳優のマイケル・ダグラスさんのビデオメッセージに続き、政府や市民、被爆者、高校生などさまざまなアクターがそれぞれの役割を示しながら対話を深めるパネル討論を行います。核兵器の廃絶による真のメリットと、核兵器の保有を続ける社会的・ 経済的コストについても考えます。


日時: 2015年9月26日(土) 午後2時 - 4時30分  (午後1時30分開場)
会場:国連大学ビル 2階レセプションホール (80名規模)                         地図・住所はこちら:
事前申込:締切 9月23日(水)午後5時
1)氏名、2)よみがな、3)所属先(あれば)、4)電話番号を nuclear.abolition.japan@gmail.comまでお送りください。原則、メールでのお申し込みとなりますが、電話での場合は03-3363-7561(ピースボート 担当:渡辺里香)まで上記をお伝えください。

(広島出身の高橋さんは今年6月末に叔父の亡くなったルソン島を訪問。 被爆70周年ということで、今年は8月6日に広島原爆ドーム前でインタビュー、8月9日はTV出演と「広島」という自分の原点に目を向けている。)


司会 根本かおる 国連広報センター所長
相川一俊         外務省 軍縮不拡散・科学部長
藤森俊希          日本原水爆被害者団体協議会 事務局次長
小桜智穂          第16代高校生平和大使
菅井智              日本赤十字社 国際部次長
スティーブン・リーパー     前・広島平和文化センター理事長

1人でも多くの市民が広島・長崎の被爆体験について改めて考えると共に、世界規模の核戦争はいうまでもなく、わずか 1 発の核兵器が人類にもたらす壊滅的な結果・影響への世界的な懸念が高まっている国際情勢を知り、核兵器廃絶に向けて今できること、すべきことを国際デーという大きな枠組みの中で考える機会になればと願っています。皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。

問い合わせ先:核兵器廃絶日本NGO連絡会 <>
03-3363-7561(ピースボート 担当:渡辺里香)


9/26 International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Event:
70 years since the atomic bombings: what can we do today?

Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, an event will be held at the United Nations University in collaboration with civil society and the United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo, Japan.

The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons was first established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013, at the timing of the inaugural High-Level meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament. The day aims to enhance public awareness and education about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination, and this year will be the second time for it to be marked around the world.
The event in Tokyo will begin with a keynote speech by acclaimed author Takahashi Genichiro. Following this, a panel will discuss the respective roles played by the government, citizens, Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) and youth. This will be an opportunity to deepen dialogue regarding the real merits of nuclear weapons abolition, and the social and economic costs of continuing to maintain these weapons of mass
<Event Details>
Date: 14:00 – 16:30, September 26, 2015 (Sat)
Venue: 2F Reception Hall, United Nations University (capacity: 80 persons)
Organized by: Japan NGO Network for Nuclear Weapons Abolition
Cooperation: United Nations Information Center (UNIC) Tokyo
Fee: Free
Language: This event will be held in Japanese. Please enquire if you require English language support.
How to participate:
Please send an email to including the following information by 17:00, September 23 (Wed):   1) Name 2) Affiliation (where applicable) 3) Telephone number
For enquiries, please contact Ms Watanabe Rika at Peace Boat, Tel: 03-3363-8047

-Keynote Speech
Mr Takahashi Genichiro (author): “What Hiroshima and Nagasaki mean to me”
(Originally from Hiroshima, in late June Mr Takahashi visited Luzon Island in the Philippines, where his uncle passed away. Recently, he has been focusing on “Hiroshima” as his point of origin in various television interviews and programmes around the August 6 and 9 anniversaries of the atomic bombings.)

-Panel Discussion: “What we can do now for nuclear abolition”
Facilitator: Ms Nemoto Kaoru, Director, UN Information Centre in Tokyo
• Mr Aikawa Kazutoshi, Director General, Arms Control and Disarmament Division,       Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• Mr Fujimori Toshiki, Assistant Secretary General, Japan Confederation of A-and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo)
• Ms Kozakura Chiho, Nagasaki Youth Peace Messenger
• Mr Sugai Satoshi, Deputy Director General, International Division, Japanese Red Cross Society
• Mr Steven Leeper, previous Chair, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation

The International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons is an opportunity to be reminded of the experiences of the Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, learn about the international movement to examine the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons, and together consider what we ourselves can do towards the abolition of nuclear weapons. We look forward to your participation.

<Contact Information>
Japan NGO Network for Nuclear Weapons Abolition
Email: / Tel: 03-3363-8047 (Ms Watanabe Rika, Peace Boat)